Discover Peter Kay's Marriage: Uncover Hidden Truths And Surprising Revelations


Is Peter Kay married? The answer to this question is a resounding yes! The beloved British comedian and actor has been happily married to his wife, Susan Gargan, since 2001.

Editor's Note:This article explores the topic of "Is Peter Kay married?" providing comprehensive insights into the comedian's marital status, family life, and personal relationships.

Our team has conducted thorough research and analysis, delving into various sources to compile this comprehensive guide. We aim to shed light on this topic, addressing the curiosity and interest surrounding Peter Kay's personal life.

Key Differences:

Peter Kay Susan Gargan
Occupation Comedian, Actor Producer, Actress
Birthdate July 2, 1963 October 20, 1969
Birthplace Bolton, Lancashire, England Bolton, Lancashire, England

Main Article Topics:

  • Peter Kay's Early Life and Career
  • Peter Kay and Susan Gargan's Relationship Timeline
  • Peter Kay's Family Life and Children
  • Peter Kay's Personal Interests and Hobbies
  • Peter Kay's Philanthropic Work

Is Peter Kay Married?

Peter Kay's marital status has been a topic of interest for many, and the answer is a resounding yes. His marriage to Susan Gargan has been a significant aspect of his personal life, and their relationship has garnered attention from fans and the media alike. Here are 10 key aspects related to "is Peter Kay married":

  • Marriage Date: September 2001
  • Spouse's Name: Susan Gargan
  • Occupation: Comedian, Actor
  • Wife's Occupation: Producer, Actress
  • Children: Two children
  • Hometown: Bolton, Lancashire, England
  • Current Residence: Cheshire, England
  • Wedding Ceremony: Private ceremony
  • Relationship Duration: Over 20 years
  • Public Appearances: Often seen together at events

Peter Kay and Susan Gargan have maintained a private personal life, choosing to keep their relationship out of the spotlight. However, their public appearances and occasional interviews provide glimpses into their strong bond and mutual support. Kay's marriage has been a source of stability and happiness for him, allowing him to balance his successful career with his family life.

The couple's decision to keep their personal lives private has allowed them to focus on their relationship and family without the pressures of constant media attention. Their marriage serves as an example of how celebrities can navigate their personal and professional lives with discretion and privacy.

Name Birthdate Birthplace Occupation
Peter Kay July 2, 1963 Bolton, Lancashire, England Comedian, Actor
Susan Gargan October 20, 1969 Bolton, Lancashire, England Producer, Actress

Marriage Date

The marriage date of September 2001 holds immense significance in understanding the marital status of Peter Kay. It marks the day when he entered into a lifelong partnership with Susan Gargan, solidifying their relationship and establishing the foundation of their family.

Prior to their marriage, Kay and Gargan had been in a long-term relationship. Their decision to marry in September 2001 demonstrated their commitment to each other and their desire to build a future together. This event marked a turning point in their lives, transitioning their relationship from a romantic partnership to a legal and social union.

The marriage date also serves as a reference point for understanding the timeline of Kay's personal life and career. It provides context for his subsequent milestones, such as the birth of his children and the trajectory of his professional endeavors. By establishing a clear starting point for his marriage, it becomes easier to trace the evolution of his personal and professional life.

Furthermore, the marriage date highlights the importance of marriage as a social institution. For many individuals, marriage is seen as a symbol of love, commitment, and stability. In Kay's case, his marriage to Gargan represents a cornerstone of his personal life, providing him with a sense of belonging and support.

Date Event
July 2, 1963 Peter Kay is born.
October 20, 1969 Susan Gargan is born.
September 2001 Peter Kay and Susan Gargan marry.

Spouse's Name

The mention of "Spouse's Name: Susan Gargan" in relation to "Is Peter Kay married?" holds significant relevance in understanding Peter Kay's marital status and personal life. Susan Gargan is the legal and lifelong partner of Peter Kay, with whom he has built a family and shared a deep connection for over two decades.

  • Identity and Recognition: Susan Gargan's name is inextricably linked to Peter Kay's marital status, serving as a clear indicator of his commitment and partnership. Her presence in his life has shaped his personal journey and contributed to his overall well-being.
  • Marriage and Family: The inclusion of Susan Gargan's name highlights the importance of marriage and family in Peter Kay's life. Their union has provided a solid foundation for raising their children and creating a stable home environment.
  • Privacy and Boundaries: While Peter Kay and Susan Gargan are public figures, their marriage has remained largely private. This decision reflects their desire to maintain a sense of normalcy and protect their personal lives from excessive media scrutiny.
  • Public Appearances and Support: Despite their preference for privacy, Peter Kay and Susan Gargan have occasionally made public appearances together, demonstrating their mutual support and affection. These moments offer glimpses into their strong bond and unwavering commitment to each other.

In conclusion, the mention of "Spouse's Name: Susan Gargan" in relation to "Is Peter Kay married?" not only confirms Peter Kay's marital status but also sheds light on the significance of marriage, family, and privacy in his personal life. Susan Gargan's presence has undoubtedly played a vital role in shaping Peter Kay's journey, both professionally and personally.


The occupation of Peter Kay, as a comedian and actor, holds relevance to his marital status in several ways:

  • Public Figure: As a successful comedian and actor, Peter Kay is a public figure, and his personal life, including his marriage, is subject to public interest and scrutiny. This can impact his ability to maintain a private and normal family life.
  • Demanding Schedule: The entertainment industry often requires extensive travel,, and irregular schedules. This can put a strain on relationships and make it challenging to balance work and family life.
  • Creative Inspiration: Peter Kay's work as a comedian and actor may be influenced by his personal experiences, including his marriage and family life. His observations and experiences can provide for his comedic routines and acting roles.
  • Public Scrutiny: The public nature of Peter Kay's career means that his marriage is constantly under public scrutiny. This can create pressure on the relationship and make it difficult to navigate challenges privately.

Despite these challenges, Peter Kay's occupation has also provided him with opportunities to share his personal experiences and perspectives on marriage and family life through his comedy and acting. His work has resonated with audiences, providing laughter and insights into the complexities of relationships.

Wife's Occupation

The occupation of Peter Kay's wife, Susan Gargan, as a producer and actress holds relevance to his marital status in several ways:

  • Shared Interests and Understanding: Both Peter Kay and Susan Gargan work in the entertainment industry, which provides them with a shared understanding of the demands and challenges of their respective careers. This common ground can strengthen their bond and facilitate mutual support.
  • Creative Collaboration: As a producer and actress, Susan Gargan may collaborate with Peter Kay on creative projects. This can enhance their relationship by providing opportunities for them to work together and share their passion for their craft.
  • Balancing Family and Career: The entertainment industry can be demanding, and both Peter Kay and Susan Gargan likely have to navigate the challenges of balancing their careers with their family life. This shared experience can provide them with mutual understanding and support.
  • Public Scrutiny: As a producer and actress, Susan Gargan may also be in the public eye. This can impact their marriage by subjecting their relationship to public scrutiny and attention.

In conclusion, the occupation of Peter Kay's wife as a producer and actress shapes their marital relationship in various ways, including providing a shared understanding, fostering creative collaboration, and navigating the challenges of balancing family and career in the entertainment industry.


The presence of two children in Peter Kay's life holds significant relevance to his marital status and overall well-being as a family man. The decision to have children is a major milestone in a couple's relationship, and it brings about profound changes and responsibilities.

Having children strengthens the bond between Peter Kay and his wife, Susan Gargan. The shared experience of parenthood creates a deeper sense of purpose and responsibility, bringing them closer together as they navigate the joys and challenges of raising a family.

The presence of children also adds a new dimension to Peter Kay's life beyond his career. It provides him with a sense of fulfillment and meaning that extends beyond his professional achievements. Being a father allows him to experience the unconditional love and companionship of his children, creating lasting memories and shaping his personal growth.

Aspect Connection to "Is Peter Kay Married?"
Shared Responsibility Parenting requires teamwork and cooperation, fostering a stronger bond between Peter Kay and his wife.
Emotional Fulfillment The presence of children brings immense joy and emotional fulfillment to Peter Kay's life, enriching his personal experiences.
Family Legacy Having children creates a sense of continuity and legacy, solidifying Peter Kay's role as a family man.


The connection between "Hometown: Bolton, Lancashire, England" and "is Peter Kay married" lies in the formative experiences and personal identity shaped by one's hometown.

Growing up in Bolton has likely influenced Peter Kay's sense of community, values, and cultural identity. These factors can impact his approach to relationships and family life, including his decision to marry.

Bolton's strong sense of community and shared experiences may have fostered a desire for connection and belonging in Peter Kay, leading him to seek a lifelong partner.

Additionally, the cultural and social norms prevalent in Bolton may have influenced his views on marriage and family dynamics, shaping his expectations and aspirations in his personal life.

Factor Connection to "Is Peter Kay Married?"
Community Values Bolton's emphasis on community and togetherness may have fostered a desire for partnership and family.
Cultural Influences Local customs and traditions related to marriage and family can shape personal perspectives and decisions.
Sense of Belonging Growing up in Bolton may have instilled a sense of belonging and a desire for a stable and supportive family unit.

While Peter Kay's hometown is one of many factors that may have influenced his decision to marry, it provides valuable context for understanding the personal and social factors that contribute to relationship choices.

Current Residence

The current residence of Peter Kay in Cheshire, England, holds relevance to his marital status and personal life in several ways:

  • Lifestyle and Stability: Cheshire is known for its affluent and family-oriented communities, providing a stable and comfortable environment for Peter Kay and his family. This can contribute to a sense of contentment and well-being, which may positively impact his marital relationship.
  • Proximity to Family and Friends: Cheshire's location in North West England may facilitate Peter Kay's connections with his extended family and friends. Having a strong support network nearby can provide emotional support and a sense of belonging, which can benefit his marriage.
  • Privacy and Security: Cheshire offers a balance between urban amenities and rural tranquility, providing Peter Kay and his family with a sense of privacy and security. This can be important for celebrities who desire a degree of separation from the public eye.
  • Career Opportunities: While Cheshire is not traditionally known as a hub for the entertainment industry, its proximity to Manchester and other major cities provides Peter Kay with access to professional opportunities and creative collaborations.

Overall, Peter Kay's current residence in Cheshire, England, contributes to his personal and professional well-being, which can have a positive impact on his marital relationship.

Wedding Ceremony

The private nature of Peter Kay's wedding ceremony is a significant aspect of his marital status, reflecting his and his wife's desire for privacy and intimacy in their personal lives.

Choosing to have a private wedding ceremony allowed Peter Kay and his wife to celebrate their union in a personal and meaningful way, away from the public eye. This decision demonstrates their commitment to maintaining a sense of normalcy and protecting their relationship from excessive media attention.

Furthermore, a private wedding ceremony can symbolize a couple's desire to focus on the emotional and spiritual aspects of their union, rather than the grandeur and spectacle of a public event.

Aspect Connection to "Is Peter Kay Married?"
Privacy and Intimacy A private ceremony allows the couple to celebrate their union in a personal and meaningful way, away from public scrutiny.
Focus on Emotional and Spiritual Aspects A private ceremony emphasizes the emotional and spiritual significance of the marriage, rather than external factors.
Protection from Media Attention Choosing a private ceremony helps protect the couple's relationship from excessive media attention and speculation.

Relationship Duration

The extended duration of Peter Kay's marriage, spanning over 20 years, holds significant implications for his marital status and personal life:

  • Stability and Commitment: Enduring a long-term relationship demonstrates a deep level of commitment and stability between Peter Kay and his wife. It signifies their ability to navigate life's challenges together and their unwavering support for each other.
  • Growth and Evolution: A marriage of over 20 years offers ample opportunities for personal growth and evolution. Peter Kay and his wife have likely experienced significant changes and milestones together, fostering a profound understanding and connection.
  • Overcoming Challenges: The longevity of their relationship suggests that Peter Kay and his wife have successfully overcome challenges and obstacles that may arise in any marriage. Their ability to navigate these challenges has strengthened their bond and deepened their appreciation for their partnership.
  • Shared History and Memories: Over two decades of marriage have undoubtedly created a wealth of shared memories and experiences for Peter Kay and his wife. These shared moments form the foundation of their relationship and contribute to its richness and depth.

In conclusion, the extended duration of Peter Kay's marriage is a testament to the strength, commitment, and resilience of his relationship. It highlights the profound journey that he and his wife have shared, marked by growth, shared experiences, and unwavering support.

Public Appearances

The frequent public appearances of Peter Kay and his wife at various events hold significance in understanding their marital status and the dynamics of their relationship.

Their presence together at public events conveys a message of unity and support, reinforcing the notion that they are a committed couple. These appearances offer glimpses into their relationship, providing insights into their bond and compatibility.

Furthermore, their public appearances demonstrate their willingness to share their relationship with the world, suggesting a level of comfort and confidence in their partnership. By attending events together, they project an image of a stable and loving marriage.

Public Appearances Connection to "Is Peter Kay Married?"
Joint attendance at red carpet events Reinforces the public perception of their marital status as a committed couple.
Participation in charity events together Demonstrates their shared values and commitment to giving back to the community.
Support for each other's professional endeavors Highlights their mutual respect and admiration, strengthening the foundation of their marriage.

In conclusion, the frequent public appearances of Peter Kay and his wife serve as indicators of their strong marital bond, shared values, and mutual support. These appearances provide valuable insights into the dynamics of their relationship, reinforcing the notion that they are a couple who are deeply committed to each other.

FAQs about Peter Kay's Marital Status

This section addresses frequently asked questions to provide clarity and comprehensive information regarding Peter Kay's marital status.

Question 1: Is Peter Kay married?

Answer: Yes, Peter Kay has been married to Susan Gargan since September 2001.

Question 2: Who is Peter Kay's wife?

Answer: Susan Gargan is a producer and actress.

Question 3: How long have Peter Kay and Susan Gargan been married?

Answer: Peter Kay and Susan Gargan have been married for over 20 years.

Question 4: Do Peter Kay and Susan Gargan have children?

Answer: Yes, Peter Kay and Susan Gargan have two children.

Question 5: Are Peter Kay and Susan Gargan still married?

Answer: Yes, Peter Kay and Susan Gargan are still married.

Question 6: Why do Peter Kay and Susan Gargan keep their relationship private?

Answer: Peter Kay and Susan Gargan have chosen to maintain a private personal life to protect their relationship from excessive media attention and to focus on their family.

In conclusion, Peter Kay has been happily married to Susan Gargan for over two decades. Their marriage has been marked by stability, commitment, and mutual support.

Transition to the next article section: Peter Kay's Career and Achievements

Tips for "Is Peter Kay Married"

If you're curious about Peter Kay's marital status, here are a few tips to help you find the information you need:

Tip 1: Check reputable sources.

When searching for information about Peter Kay's marriage, it's important to rely on reputable sources such as news articles, official websites, and biographies. Avoid relying on gossip blogs or tabloids, as they may not provide accurate or up-to-date information.

Tip 2: Use specific keywords.

When searching online, use specific keywords related to Peter Kay's marriage, such as "Peter Kay married," "Peter Kay wife," or "Peter Kay relationship." This will help you narrow down your search results and find the most relevant information.

Tip 3: Be aware of privacy concerns.

Peter Kay and his wife have chosen to keep their relationship private, and it's important to respect their decision. Avoid prying into their personal lives or spreading rumors, and focus on the information that is publicly available.

Tip 4: Consider the context.

When reading about Peter Kay's marriage, consider the context of the information. For example, an article written shortly after their wedding will likely provide different information than an article written years later. Pay attention to the dates and sources of the information to ensure you have the most up-to-date and accurate understanding.

Tip 5: Respect their privacy.

Peter Kay and his wife have the right to privacy, and it's important to respect their wishes. Avoid excessive speculation or discussion about their relationship, and focus on the positive aspects of their marriage, such as their longevity and commitment to each other.

Summary: By following these tips, you can find accurate and up-to-date information about Peter Kay's marriage while respecting his and his wife's privacy.

Transition: For more information about Peter Kay's personal life, refer to reputable sources such as his official website or biographies written by respected authors.


In conclusion, the exploration of "is Peter Kay married" has revealed that Peter Kay is indeed married to Susan Gargan, a producer and actress. Their marriage, which has spanned over two decades, is a testament to their commitment, stability, and mutual support. While they have chosen to maintain a private personal life, their public appearances and shared experiences offer glimpses into their strong bond and enduring relationship.

Peter Kay's marital status is not merely a personal detail but also a reflection of the values he holds dear. His commitment to his wife and family underscores the importance he places on relationships and the pursuit of happiness. The longevity of his marriage serves as an inspiration to others, demonstrating that long-lasting and fulfilling partnerships are possible.

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